The holidays are over. The decorations are put away. Holiday revelry and parties have ended. The hustle and bustle of shopping, family events and general feelings of good tidings have ebbed. People are back to work and/or school full time. The weather remains cold and gloomy. For many, this is a very depressing time of year. Overeating, overspending and overindulging during the holidays can really bring on depression and feelings of guilt or anxiety. Well my friends, turn those frowns upside down. I think January is an amazing time to dive into a lot of projects without the annoying distractions of holidays or the lure of good weather. Here are 5 tips that I’m currently doing that have really helped get through post-holiday doldrums.
1) Clean/organize your space. I’m currently doing a deep dive in house projects. Getting a jump start on “spring cleaning” will free up your time once the weather improves. Twice a year, I clean out the pantry and cabinets in the kitchen, throwing away anything that is expired. I do the same thing in medicine cabinets. Clean out your linens. In January, retail promotes “white sales”, promoting discounts on towels, bedding, blankets and the like. Purge old bedding and towels and donate the old to good will. Go through your makeup, purge items that are old or you aren’t using. Re-arrange furniture. Doing simple projects always give me a sense of accomplishment. Plus all of that cleaning helps burn a ton of those holiday calories!!!
2) Start a new hobby. I’ve always wanted to start a blog, and here I am! January was a great time to get my blog up and running. Holiday pressure is off and there is more time to start a new project or interest!
3) Prep for taxes. No one looks forward to tax season. I tend to put off this task for as long as possible. But it’s less painful when you start lining up the documents you can easily obtain right away. For example, charitable contributions. Start organizing receipts and deductions. The closer you get to April 15, the less stressed you’ll be.
4) Indulge yourself! Update your look, try that new hairstyle or hair color. Brighten your days with a vibrant shade of nail polish or lipstick. Book a massage or facial. Nothing boosts your mood more than getting pampered! Guaranteed!
5) Get moving. Make a date with a friend, go for a walk, put on your favorite tunes and have a dance party. Plan your next vacation. Being social and maintaining connections can get you through the moody days of January.
Bonus tip: Binge watching your favorite shows! Spend a weekend catching up on your fave episodes. Before you know it, January will be in the rear view mirror. What motivates you at this time of year Share your ideas!
XO, Char