I can’t believe it’s been several months since I last visited and posted on my blog! Where has the time gone?? As with most people, these last few months have been passing like a blur and yet seems to be standing still at the same time. Anyone else feeling that?? It definitely seems like things are SLOWLY getting back to some new time of *normal*, whatever that normal will be. To say I miss being out and about, socializing with my friends and family and even seeing my work peeps is an understatement! But I also am deeply savoring this time at home. I feel like I have gotten so many things accomplished from a home perspective and also have a deeper appreciation for just relaxing. The benefit of working from home has definitely been NOT getting up at 4:30 a.m. every day and giving my hair and skin a much needed break! But I’m yearning to wear my summery outfits! Miss my maxi dresses so much! But even if I put them on, where would I go??? Things are opening up slowly, but do I even want to go? Will I have a mask to match my outfit?? Haha!

I just wanted to share a few things that I have been buying while in quarantine, some of which have really surprised me!

Coloring My Hair! First of all, I shared on one of my stories that I had colored my own hair. This was scary and nerve wrecking, but if any time would be a time to try it, the quarantine was it! After doing a lot of research online, I settled on “Herbatint”. I loved that it is non-ammonia but still a permanent hair color (bye greys!) It’s been on the market a long time (over 30 years) and has a very user friendly website (helping you pick out the right color or 2). I personally bought 2 colors and mixed them to get a neutral/cool tone brown. Even though I’ll go back to my salon (I miss my salon experience!), I have this as a backup color method, and can use it as a guide to show my stylist the tone I really want to achieve. If anyone is looking for an at-home hair color, check this out! https://usa.herbatint.com/en

Tie-Dye for the Win! I previously had said I would NEVER wear tie-dye. Well….I have been converted! I am obsessed with tie dye!!! It really is the “color” of the season and has popped up everywhere! What I like about the pieces that I have been buying is that they are for the most part, lounge wear, so I will be confining this trend to the house. But I am really loving the different tones and color combinations out there! I lean towards the pastel, softer shades, but there are some really vibrant prints out there that just make me feel happy! My go-to websites for tie-dye are Pink Lily, Red Dress and These Three, all super reasonable online boutiques that have such fine styles! https://www.reddress.com/collections/tie-dye; https://pinklily.com/tie-dye-edit/; https://thesethreeboutique.com/

A new member of the family! We welcomed a new kitty to our house in April! His name is Joey (formerly “Captain Crunch!). He is a 6 year old rescue and his sad face just made me wonder what his life was like for 6 years. He was rescued from Indiana and was front paw declawed so he had to have a home at some point. He was very scared when we brought him own and he is still learning that he is safe and won’t ever be abandoned again! Interacting with Joey and reassuring him has taken a front seat to any other activity these past few months and we just love his sweet little face! There are so many pets that need a home! Please think of bringing a shelter pet into your life. Adopt don’t shop!!!!

I hope everyone is staying healthy! Stay tuned for more posts soon!

XO, Char